PayCash Swap

PayCash Swap

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Thông tin về PayCash Swap

What is PayCash Swap?

Launched in 2021, PayCash is a decentralized financial ecosystem implemented on the basis of smart contracts on the EOS blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrency exchanges, ecosystem users can directly interact with its smart contracts. A key feature of this ecosystem is the ability to use any cryptocurrency wallets or applications that can operate on the EOS blockchain.

PayCash Swap launch chronology

2018 - the birth of an idea and concept; 2019 - 2020 - detailed development of the concept; 2020 - creation of the PayCash application and the website; Q1 2021 - beta launch of the project; Q3 2021 - launch of the PayCash ecosystem.

What is included in the PayCash Swap ecosystem?

The infrastructure of the ecosystem includes crypto-wallets PayCash Wallet, Malinka Wallet, Kalyna Wallet, smart contracts responsible for the autonomous functioning of decentralized services, and native tokens.

All crypto wallets in the ecosystem include a legacy function, which, after a user-defined period of inactivity, automatically distributes funds between successor wallets. For each native token, the inheritance function is configured separately.

The ecosystem also implements a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange function, the logic of which is based on the AMM (automated market maker) model in one of 10 smart contracts.

For secure communication and exchange of information between users, a crypto messenger is built into each crypto wallet in the ecosystem. Only the sender and recipient have access to the conversation, since access to the account is impossible without the private key. If a user deletes his account from the application or logs in from another device, then outgoing messages in the crypto chat are displayed in encrypted form.

Native tokens

There are several native tokens on the platform:

Malinka token (MLNK) is a cryptocurrency received by users as a reward for adding liquidity for conversion or issuing USDCASH. A total of 26,250,000,000 Malinka tokens (MLNK) were issued on the EOS blockchain, of which 1,000,000,000 are the investment premine, which paid for the development of the infrastructure of the PayCashSwap service, 25,250,000,000 are distributed among users-liquidity providers and will be completed on August 29 2081.

USDCASH stablecoin is a cryptocurrency that is fully pegged to the US dollar exchange rate. The USDCASH stablecoin is issued by a smart contract secured by liquidity (USDT - MLNK pair) contributed by the user to a special collateral pool. The multiple of the emission lot is 100 USDCASH.

Stablecoin RUBLES is a cryptocurrency fully backed by fiat rubles. The collateral is fully deposited in commercial bank accounts.

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