Quantfury Token price

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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Total supply
100M QTF
Max. supply
100M QTF
Self-reported circulating supply

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About Quantfury Token

What Is Quantfury Token (QTF)?

The QTF token represents the Quantfury trading platform’s economy and its business model, allowing token holders to share ownership of the platform's spread revenues. QTF tokens earn the average spread value between the bid and ask prices for all trade positions closed by Quantfury app users on a monthly basis.

Quantfury is a new paradigm of brokerage available on App Store and Google Play globally (excluding the United States and Canada) from December 2018, with a user base from more than 100 countries and a daily average trading volume of over $500,000,000. Quantfury app lets users trade and invest in stocks, crypto pairs, index and commodity futures contracts at their real-time spot prices of global and crypto exchanges with zero fees of any kind.

What makes the Quantfury Token (QTF) unique?

How many Quantfury Token (QTF) coins are in circulation?

How is the Quantfury Token (QTF) Network secured?

Where can you buy the Quantfury Token (QTF)?

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