Spot Volume di trading(24h)
€1,293,442.1116 BTC
Totale attività
Dati sulle riserve non disponibiliCirca Bitbns
Founded in Dec 2017, Bitbns claims to have become one of India’s largest spot cryptocurrency trading platforms. The brainchild of three founding partners, Bitbns has reportedly attracted over half a million users within a year of its inception.
Bitbns claims to be the first cryptocurrency exchange to introduce Bracket Orders in cryptocurrency trading. The exchange sports a stack of trading tools and features like Margin Trading, Stop Limit, and Trailing Stop Limit.
Bitbns also prides itself of being the first exchange in India that listed 50+ cryptocurrencies within a year of its launch. Bitbns also has a P2P FIAT deposit and withdrawal mechanism.
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