Adshares price


0.11% (1d)

Adshares to USD Chart

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Adshares statistics

Market cap


Volume (24h)


Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
38.75M ADS
Max. supply
Circulating supply
38.73M ADS
ADS to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Jan 19, 2022 (3 years ago)
All-time low
Mar 06, 2019 (6 years ago)
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About Adshares

What Makes ADS a Metaverse-ready Utilitarian Coin?

ADS coin serves as the digital advertising settlement for high-volume ad transactions across Web2, Metaverse and DOOH. All ad settlements that run in our ecosystem are made by ADS coin. It creates the direct payment deals between publisher and advertiser without intermediaries. The presented system increases the profit for publishers, and saves the funds of advertisers accordingly.

The Adshares blockchain is based on dPoS consensus - making it lighter, faster and greener than PoW chains.. Proprietary blockchain has enough capacity to handle the transactions from the entire programmatic advertising market - 1,400,000+ transactions per second. The coins are deflationary due to the native burning. One of the perks for the Adshares community is the staking system, that is working in the following way: ADS native holders receive ADS coins on their wallet from the part of the fees of each ad transaction made between publishers and advertisers on Adshares protocol.

The practical value of ADS is the transparency of the ad-buying value chain. ADS facilitates metaverse and blockchain game landowners to generate income by providing ad space for display ads. The future utility of ADS coin for holders is the opportunity to vote on proposals and decisions of the platform development, as Adshares plans to implement a DAO in Q4 2022.

ADS is aiming to become the main payment tool in all advertising transactions across the world.

What is Adshares Protocol (ADS)

Where Can You Buy the Adshares (ADS)


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