Squoge Coin price

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Total supply
Max. supply
Self-reported circulating supply
500T SQC

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About Squoge Coin

Squoge coin is a smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain that uses the BEP-20 Token standard to provide a token supply for users to trade. The Squoge Coin is to provide a humorous store of value powered by memes and community input. The coin takes a 10% buy and sell tax on each transaction 2% of which is returned to holders of the token, 6% is for funding the further development of the project and the remaining 2% increases the liquidity pool.

Squoge coin has 500 Trillion tokens in circulation with a further 500 trillion (plus) tokens burnt. Tokens are also burnt on every transaction in the reflection process.

The token performs reflection on every transaction as a reward to holders, since the burn address is also a holder of tokens, a percentage portioned to the size of the holdings is sent to the burn address which can never be brought back into circulation creating a lesser supply and a further demand.