SchwiftAI price

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Self-reported circulating supply
100,000,000 SWAI
Total supply
100,000,000 SWAI
Max. supply
100,000,000 SWAI

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About SchwiftAI

Schwift AI offers a musical loop generator that is designed to help musicians, composers, and music producers to create original music using artificial intelligence.

Our systems use a deep neural network to generate original melodies and chord progressions, which can be customized based on the user’s preferences and desired musical genre.

The AI is capable of learning from a user’s input and evolving over time to create even more personalized and high definition sound. It provides a vast range of musical possibilities that can be used as building blocks for new compositions or as inspiration for new musical directions.

At its core, Schwift AI is a fun and well constructed meme looking to make ripples in the crypto world. But the best part is, we're actually building real & unique AI utility that has never been seen before. Come join us on our adventure!


SchwiftAI Yields
