Quantum Assets price 

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Self-reported circulating supply
3,850,000,000 QA
Total supply
7,000,000,000 QA
Max. supply
7,000,000,000 QA

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About Quantum Assets

Quantum Assets (QA) uses quantum phenomena to produce a new class of quantum cryptographic keys. Quantum keys are derived from an actual quantum source – quantum tunnelling of electrons - which are totally unpredictable and entirely random. If something is truly random it follows that it cannot be reverse engineered and is theoretically impossible to breach. This technology is the key to producing cryptographic keys which are theoretically completely secure.

Quantum keys can be used to produce quantum digital assets. Any digital asset which uses cryptographic keys can benefit from upgrading to using quantum keys. This in turn leads to the creation of a new class of digital assets. Presently, test networks for Quantum Bitcoin and Quantum Ethereum exist with more protocols to follow. A multiverse of quantum assets each denoted by the prefix Quantum is in the works. Users can expect to be able to use Quantum BTC and Quantum ETH in the near future.

By respecting existing chain protocols and ecosystems (by primarily upgrading cryptography to quantum keys) existing projects can deploy onto quantum networks without changes to code. Current projects running with/on existing chain protocols can be deployed onto quantum mirror protocols – imagine a world with Quantum DeFi and Quantum DApps.

Quantum nodes guarantee trust as quantum cryptographic keys ensure the fidelity of transactions on a quantum network. Quantum networks have no need for proof of work/stake consensus mechanisms of common protocols (which have a large carbon footprint). Quantum nodes comparatively have a very low carbon footprint (in fact QA pledges zero carbon emissions for our quantum nodes). In this way, quantum assets are an excellent choice for eco-conscious users.

Importantly, holders of Quantum Assets Tokens (QA) at relevant blocks are guaranteed airdrops of new quantum assets as they are released to market. HODL QA to receive new quantum assets as and when they are launched!