Volume de Trading(24h)
R$449,782,092.71777 BTC
Total de ativos
Dados de reserva indisponíveisSobre NexDAX
NEXDAX - NEXt-Generation Digital Asset eXchange Launches Today NexDAX is in-place for user from all over the world with our credibility, convenience and transparency from this remarkable date, October 4th 2021. It comes as our true pride to successfully achieve this peerless project and strictly meet the deadlines. The new-launched platform includes a full integrated solution for listing, trading, launchpad and a set of extensive user operations. Our exchange significantly offers greater automation and operational efficiency, and improves the processing of transactions. We believe that the implementation of the new platform will play as an important part to improve the market transparency and enhance crypto liquidity. Furthermore, this platform also offers our market a state of the next-gen technology with the international standards, and will allow us to better answer the financing needs and hedging market risks. Also, NexDAX team has introduced to the crypto community this Ethereum-based cryptocurrency. NT serves as the native coin of NexDAX Exchange which is going to open soon in the next month. NT will be potential for global exchanges in an early time.
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