Q DAO Governance token v1.0 price 

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Circulating supply
263,856 QDAO
Total supply
999,082 QDAO
Max. supply

Q DAO Governance token v1.0 community


Q DAO Governance token v1.0 news


About Q DAO Governance token v1.0

QDAO is the native token of Q Ecosystem. It is multi-purposed and ensures the normal functioning of the entire ecosystem of products while also endowing holders with various advantages:

  • Custodian QFinance - QDAO holders receive increased interest on deposits, reduced rates on loans as well as dividends in QDAO. Holding QDAO in an account affects the overall credit rating of the account holder. It also gives them access to exclusive offers and automatic forks of coins on deposits.
  • Q DeFi Rating - active users of the aggregator can receive QDAO for their activities: reviews, analytics, participation in voting, etc. QDAO can be used to gain access to insider information regarding pumps/dumps as well as unlocking advanced features in the personal account. Active QDAO holders can also participate in the airdrops of projects listed on the platform.
  • QStable - QDAO token is used in the governing process as well as the minting of algorithmic stablecoins.