CheesecakeSwap Token price

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About CheesecakeSwap Token

CheesecakeSwap Intro

CheesecakeSwap is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain and Pancake swap exchange, with lots of other features that let you earn and win tokens.

What we are trying to do is create a perpetual deflation token, the CheesecakeSwap Token, that allows a constant price pump with a sufficient burn mechanism. We are not trying to replace the swap & exchange but to add value into the system and create a suitable and sustainable environment for people to yield farm with high APR.



We hope to create a CCAKE for everyone to farm from it! Earn CCAKE, and other coins (to be determined) while staking.


Timelock added

Removed migrator code (inherited from Pancake swap)

CCAKE TOKEN Contract Address: 0xc7091aa18598b87588e37501b6ce865263cd67ce Name: CheesecakeSwap Token Ticker: CCAKE Decimals: 18 Max supply: Unlimited

CCAKE FARM Emission rate: 1 CCAKE/block or 28800 CCAKE/day

Block reward: Currently block reward is 1 CCAKE. At 750000 supply, it will be set to 0.75 At 1000000 supply, it will be set to 0.5

Income & Distribution Deposit Fees

Standard deposit fee is 4% across all NON-CCAKE farms and pools. For CCAKE farms and pools, there is no deposit fee (0%). 50% of the deposit fee will be distributed among developers, the other 50% will be used for mainly marketing, buyback and other expenses such as Airdrop, Contests, Maintenance etc.

CCAKE Production & Burn from Farming There will be CCAKE burns every day. Burn amount: 2000 * (blockReward) CCAKE Nearly 9.09% of total produced CCAKE will be sent to the deployer address for marketing & burning. 90.91%, approximately will be distributed among farms & pools for our community. THERE WILL BE NO CCAKE EXCHANGE OR SELLING FROM DEVELOPER’S ACCOUNT TO BNB&BUSD POOLS! Many other platforms which sell/exchange/dump their coins into their BNB and BUSD pools, hence, decreasing their coin value by gaining income from these exchanges. Our crew has never, and will never follow this income strategy in order to increase CCAKE value.