₩48,398,068,135.11607 BTC
총 자산
준비금 데이터 없음EXMO 정보
What Is EXMO?
Launched in 2014, EXMO is a centralized European cryptocurrency exchange that facilitates both crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat transactions. The platform operates with competitive trading fees and provides a range of services to its users.
EXMO complies with KYC and AML regulations and boasts a user base of over 2 million people from Europe, Asia, and other regions. The exchange offers various trading tools, and premium packages, and access to a private and public API for enhanced trading experiences. Users can benefit from a special Earn program that opens the door to effortless passive income Quick fiat deposits and withdrawals are available including USD, EUR, PLN, UAH, NGN, and BRL, ensuring seamless transactions for all users.
The EXMO trading experience is accessible via Android and iOS applications, providing a comprehensive mobile trading solution: * Android App: EXMO Android App * iOS App: EXMO iOS App
When Did EXMO Launch?
The exchange platform was launched in 2014.
Where Is EXMO Located?
EXMO operates primarily out of Lithuania and Poland, adhering to the regulatory standards of these regions.
What Coins Are Supported on EXMO?
EXMO supports over 65+ cryptocurrencies across more than 150 trading pairs, providing a broad spectrum of options for traders and investors.
How Much Are EXMO Fees?
EXMO offers a competitive flat fee structure for trading activities. The platform charges a 0.1% fee for both makers and takers. The fees depend on your trading activity. The higher the trading volume per month, the lower the fee.
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