Trace AI-Preis 


0.00% (1 T)

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Selbst gemeldetes Umlaufangebot
99,840,000 TAI
100,000,000 TAI
100,000,000 TAI
Vollständig verwässerte Marktkapitalisierung (FDMC)
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24 Stunden 
Jul 24, 2023 (9 months ago)
Sep 27, 2023 (7 months ago)
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Auf Watchlisten349x
7976th / 9.7K
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Über Trace AI

Trace AI is steadfastly dedicated to pioneering the transformative evolution of the cryptocurrency sector through an all-encompassing ecosystem of Telegram bots, conceived to facilitate innovative investment, comprehensive portfolio management, and robust security solutions, all underpinned by cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence. As our suite of advanced features expands, our profound expertise, proficiency, and resolute determination to craft an unparalleled product will become increasingly apparent.

At present, Trace AI is diligently constructing an Artificial Intelligence-powered database designed to bring vital data within easy reach of our investors. Whether it's tracking influencers' wallets, tracing unscrupulous developers and fraudsters, or real-time ranking of the most lucrative wallets, our aspiration is for our database to emerge as the top-tier database in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) domain. Other critical initiatives include a dedicated Telegram bot for proficient portfolio management, AI-based sentiment and analysis, comprehensive market data, effective security management, and proficient trading.

The fundamental distinction that sets Trace AI apart from its competitors lies in our relentless commitment to technological and ecosystem evolution. Our innovation will never plateau, and satisfaction will never breed complacency. We will persistently carry out rigorous research and data analysis to ensure our users have access to the most potent and effective investment tools available in the market. Guided by this vision, we are meticulously building a product that embodies efficiency, simplicity, security, reliability, and scalability.