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Unipilot has rebranded to A51 Finance. Find more details in their announcement here.
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Unipilot has rebranded to A51 Finance. Find more details in their announcement here.

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About Unipilot

What Is Unipilot (PILOT)?

Unipilot saves liquidity providers from the hassle of manual oversight through automated liquidity optimization and management.

The aim of the Pilot protocol is to ensure maximum capital efficiency by allocating the right mix of capital to each of Uniswap’s liquidity pools existing on its platform.

The challenge with concentrated liquidity is keeping it in the active price range so that it consistently earns fees through trades. The more time the capital is locked in the active price range the more trading fees it earns.

If price fluctuates and capital goes out of the price range it does not earn any fees. Unipilot solves this problem by allocating capital to the narrowest price range to earn the maximum amount of fees. Even minor optimizations in price ranges can impose drastic changes in terms of capital efficiency.

Apart from offering optimized liquidity positions, the Pilot protocol also auto-rebalances liquidity in appropriate price ranges to cater to the changing market prices. In addition to that, the transaction cost involved with readjusting liquidity is also disbursed by the protocol so liquidity providers don't have to worry about the increasing gas costs on Ethereum.

What Makes Unipilot Unique?

Where Can I Buy a Unipilot (PILOT)?

Universal Liquidity Optimization

The PILOT Token

Providing and managing liquidity

Optimizing Liquidity price ranges

Support from the Index Fund