NoblessCoin price 

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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Self-reported circulating supply
900,000,000,000 NBLS
Total supply
900,000,000,000 NBLS
Max. supply
900,000,000,000 NBLS

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About NoblessCoin

The rapidly increasing focus on digital assets is one of the more fascinating trends shaping the way people invest their money. The current macroeconomic environment requires diversification in non-correlated, and so far, untapped performance pools. However, it is still cumbersome to get professional, regulated, and bankable access to this new asset class as a company.

NBLS changes everything, allowing investors to participate in the emerging digital asset class with professional, regulated, liquid, and transparent exposure and assured guidance from a team of investing specialists.