The smart contract for following token contains variable tax rate function - this open the opportunity for contract owners to modify contract behaviour (ie. change fees, or transfer tokens). Please exercise with extra caution if you are investing in this token.
The smart contract for following token contains variable tax rate function - this open the opportunity for contract owners to modify contract behaviour (ie. change fees, or transfer tokens). Please exercise with extra caution if you are investing in this token.
除了這些技術應用之外,Loop Network 引入了一種新穎的知識證明(Proof of Knowledge)權益證明機制。這種方法不僅保護了網絡,還激勵了知識分享和社區參與,使其與傳統的工作證明(Proof of Work)或權益證明(Proof of Stake)機制區別開來。通過專注於去中心化和社區參與,Loop Network 旨在克服之前系統所面臨的可擴展性和隱私限制。