LOOM migrated to a new address. As such, please check to ensure that the exchange supports the same asset before making any transfers. For more information, please check here.
LOOM migrated to a new address. As such, please check to ensure that the exchange supports the same asset before making any transfers. For more information, please check here.
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The live Loom Network price today is kr 0.514929 SEK with a 24-hour trading volume of kr 15,049,592 SEK. Vi uppdaterar priset på LOOM till SEK i realtid. Loom Network is up 3.62% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #515, with a live market cap of kr 640,016,557 SEK. It has a circulating supply of 1,242,920,898 LOOM coins och Maximal tillgång är inte tillgänglig.