SouloCoin price 

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Self-reported circulating supply
270,000,000 SOULO
Total supply
Max. supply

SouloCoin community


SouloCoin news


About SouloCoin

SouloCoin Utilities: Some of the key token utilities include: In game store 2D (weapons, pets and more). In game 3D Metaverse (Isles - more details) P2P Marketplace Community NFT Store Merchandise (T-Shirts, Mugs,etc.) Staking Rewards NFT drops from future Gen’s Discounts on Merchandise Land Ownership Users will be able to acquire a piece of land in the game using SouloCoin Minting of SouloFox Gen# NFTs Minting of SouloFox 3D NFTs

What is SouloCoin?

How is SouloCoin secured?

How will SouloCoin be used?

What key events have there been for SouloCoin?