Rainbow Token price

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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
Circulating supply
860,397,837,230,263 RAINBOW
Total supply
1,000,000,000,000,000 RAINBOW
Max. supply
1,000,000,000,000,000 RAINBOW

Rainbow Token community


Rainbow Token news


About Rainbow Token

What are the tokenomics of $RAINBOW?

$RAINBOW takes 7 colors, and assigns each of them a special protocol that is built into the tokenomics of the smart contract.

What is the utility of $RAINBOW?

Red: Burn

Orange: Buyback

Yellow: Reflection

Green: Charity

Blue: Liquidity

Indigo: Development

Violet: Giveaway

What is Rainbow Token?

How is Rainbow Token secured?

How will Rainbow Token be used?

What key events have there been for Rainbow Token?


Similar Coins to Rainbow Token

Rainbow Token Yields
