GenieSwap price 

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Self-reported circulating supply
396,684,297 GENIE
Total supply
396,684,297 GENIE
Max. supply
396,684,297 GENIE

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About GenieSwap

What is GenieSwap?

Launched in 2023, GenieSwap is the go-to for transparent, trustless transactions across swapping, staking, and project exploration. With its user-centric design and commitment to decentralization, GenieSwap is your trusted partner in navigating the complex world of decentralized finance.

GenieSwap offers a comprehensive DeFi experience, facilitating effortless swaps across multiple blockchains. It features a unique decentralized launchpad with a seven-level on-chain referral system and staking opportunities through GenieSwap Farms, enhancing token utility and rewards. 

Our platform stands out with direct EUR on/off ramps for unmatched fund control, and the GENIE token showcases a deflationary model for sustained value.

How Many Coins Are in Circulation?

What Makes Genie Unique?

What makes GenieSwap unique?

How does the GENIE token work?

How does GenieSwap ensure user control and transparency?

What's Next: GenieSwap Farms