DeFiat price

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Circulating supply
Total supply
Max. supply
499,963 DFT

DeFiat community


DeFiat news


About DeFiat

DeFiat (DFT) is described to be a fully-governed, deflationary ERC-20 token with a multi-tiered loyalty reward system. Every time DFT is transacted, an amount from the transaction is taken for fees and another amount is permanently burned; naturally reducing supply over time. Holders of DFT are granted proportional voting rights in network decisions, such as setting the burn and fee rates. DeFiat's Unified-Staking (UniStake) platform allows users to stake any ERC-20 token in the governance-chosen liquidity pools. Users also gain loyalty points, in the form of DFTP, as they interact with the DeFiat ecosystem, resulting in lower fee and burn rates on DFT transactions.

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