Multi AI-Preis 


0.01% (1 T)

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Multi AI-Statistiken


Volumen (24 Std)


Volumen/Marktkapitalisierung (24h)
Selbst gemeldetes Umlaufangebot
100,000,000 MAI
100,000,000 MAI
100,000,000 MAI
Vollständig verwässerte Marktkapitalisierung (FDMC)
MAI in EUR umrechnen
24 Stunden 
Aug 03, 2023 (9 months ago)
Jun 08, 2023 (a year ago)
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Auf Watchlisten1,983x
4850th / 9.8K
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Multi AI-News


Über Multi AI

With the growing popularity of AI-based services, there are many developers capable of creating something valuable, but the efforts of a single developer may not be enough to popularize their truly useful product.

This idea is at the core of the Multi AI project. Multi AI is a platform for open-source products built using artificial intelligence technology. The project aims to bring people all over the world together with AI services to create a strong bond using the Web 3.0 platform.

By leveraging blockchain technology, Multi AI seeks to provide more opportunities, simplify processes, and make it easier for people to transition to the new Web 3.0-based system. Our service provides a unique opportunity to use all the most in-demand neural networks in one place at a fair price, and with the help of blockchain, we can ensure complete transparency of the service.

Any author can monetize their AI model, which will be deployed within our server and run on Nvidia T4 GPU / Nvidia A100. With its innovative concept and with the support of Nvidia company, Multi AI is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of the industry.

For the Multi AI project, the team chose Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for several reasons. Firstly, BSC is a fast and low-cost blockchain, making it ideal for Multi AI transactions. Secondly, BSC is a well-established and secure platform that is widely used in the cryptocurrency industry. Finally, BSC has a large and active community of developers, which makes it easier to access the resources and support needed to build and maintain the platform.

The MAI token is intended for settlements between AI tool developers and users of the Multi AI platform. The cost will be calculated based on the time spent processing the user's request and will be charged in MAI tokens. Developers will receive payment for each run their models in MAI tokens. An Oracle will be connected for accurate calculation of the price in dollars and for charging users in MAI tokens.

Multi AI's tokenomics model is designed to be equitable, sustainable and beneficial to all token holders. The allocation of tokens as outlined in the table above aims to provide a balance between the initial distribution and long-term sustainability of the ecosystem.

All tokens are locked until they are needed, and most of them have vesting to increase investor trust. Team tokens will be used to help drive the growth and development of the Multi AI ecosystem, ensuring that it remains strong and sustainable for years to come.

The MAI tokenomics model is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for changes and improvements to be made as the ecosystem evolves. The system is designed to provide a balance between the needs of token holders and the growth and development of the Multi AI ecosystem, creating a mutually beneficial relationship for all participants.