Revolution Populi (RevPop) proposes a 3-legged stool approach to advance this objective:
1) A decentralized user-controlled layer-1 blockchain database which allows any person to be accessed -- but only if they choose to be -- operated and maintained decentrally by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), apart from any central authority, can be a sustainable core for a data sovereignty ecosystem.
2) An open source project to package up social net components, each compatible with the layer-1, and each made openly available, could allow dozens or hundreds or even thousands of social nets to bloom; in effect bringing to bear the ultimate “Facebook Killer Kit”, and placing data tyranny on a plausible path to extinction, engendering a market for fair economic equilibrium between social nets and users.
3) A cryptocurrency clearing house mechanism / app built on top of the layer-1 -- which would be a product offered by Revolution Populi from a commercial business entity -- could bring structural stability to the entire crypto trading marketplace, ushering in a new era of institutional participation by way of risk management backstops and structural confidence, and could serve as a stability beam to buttress and bolster an ongoing data sovereignty ecosystem.