Revive price

Revive has migrated from old contract to new contract. For more details, kindly check the official announcement here.
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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
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Self-reported circulating supply

Revive has migrated from old contract to new contract. For more details, kindly check the official announcement here.

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About Revive

Revive was founded in late January 2022 after realizing the fact that an enormous amount of scam projects or so called rug-pulls happen on a daily basis in the Binance Smartchain Scene. Revive’s ultimate goal is to create a safe environment for crypto investors while also giving scammed investors a chance to recover their losses. Staking and Weekly Lotteries on Sunday’s give our investors the reason to be a proud Revive longterm holder. AMAs and KYC service for upcoming projects will also benefit our community to find out about legitimate Revive approved projects that they can safely invest in.

Building trust is the cornerstone of our commitment to our customers - we believe that security and compliance are the foundations of achieving mainstream cryptocurrency adoption. We have completed a detailed security assessment and smart contract audit, which included external penetration testing, threat modeling through to risk control reviews.

$REV tokens can be staked to $REV for high interest returns. Buy, Stake and Hold while receiving some of the highest APY rates you’ve ever seen. Staking $REV is compared to standard banking CDs except this CD is built into the blockchain and produces up to 88% APY in our Gold tier. Take your investment to another level while holding until we reach new all time highs.