Redpanda Earth price

Redpanda Earth has been migrated from an old contract to a new contract. Read the announcement. Visit Redpanda V2 here
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For more details on listing tiers, refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3).
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Self-reported circulating supply

Redpanda Earth has been migrated from an old contract to a new contract. Read the announcement. Visit Redpanda V2 here

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About Redpanda Earth

RedPanda Earth (REDPANDA) is charity project and also a deflationary token created to give back in multiple ways. The proactive REDPANDA team fosters an environment that encourages a realistic and perceived increase of value to the token holder through marketing efforts and accomplishments such as partnerships and project expansion whether planned or currently being implemented. Another way we give back, and the key function of this token, is to act as a vehicle for contributing monetary donations to help threatened animals and imperiled natural ecosystems around the world. We like to look at ourselves as heroes for a very specific and important cause: saving helpless animals and their habitats.

So where does the funding come from to enable us to do all of these amazing and important things? It comes from people purchasing our token through online cryptocurrency exchanges. Here is a simplified version of how our treasury is funded through tokenomics: firstly, when a purchase or sale our REDPANDA token is transacted on the Ethereum network, a 4% fee is incurred of the total amount being exchanged. This fee is special because it has a multitude of benefits. Of the 4% fee, 2% is burned forever; sounds scary, but it is a beneficial function because it increases the inherent value of each token in circulation through scarcity. The other 2% is redistributed to holders of the token; the amount given to each holder is based on the percentage of their token holdings out of the entire circulating supply. We give to many organizations across the world thanks in large part to our unchangeable tokenomics. Undoubtedly, the most important windfall our fee redistribution is that this mechanism also enhances our multi-sig charity wallet; requiring more than one signatory in order to access the funds. The charity wallet generally holds roughly 2.5% of the entire circulating supply. From this wallet, we seek out worthy causes and donate generously from it. This wallet also benefits from the increase in token price, making it war chest used to fight the problems of animal endangerment and deforestation.

REDPANDA prides itself in the fact that we love to give. We feel it is our moral obligation and duty to help those in need—for us, this idea most assuredly carries over into the animal and plant biosphere. We are all stewards of this planet. There is only one human race and one earth. We allow our mindless tendencies to get the best of us at times and neglect the fallout of our actions. This has to be mitigated through education, action, guardianship; and primarily understanding how we affect the smallest living organisms through our actions. Call it the butterfly effect if you will. One small action can snowball into an unforeseen catastrophic consequence. The effects of our thoughtless, unrestrained actions and headlong ignorance reveal themselves every day across the world. Dirty rivers filled with dead fish and factory effluent; bare patches where forests once thrived and hosted an array of vibrant animal life, now void; and plastic debris islands larger than countries floating atop the Pacific Ocean, killing countless creatures as great as whales. We are here to help bandage up the damage that has already been done; and facilitate some aspect of healing, possibly even steer away any further harm to earth’s natural habitats and ecosystems—all from a charitable driver’s seat.