Raindrops Protocol price

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Self-reported circulating supply
990M $RAIN

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About Raindrops Protocol

The Raindrops Protocol is a series of five a la carte contracts that govern on-chain or proof-on-chain data specifically for games, allowing any player or item to be interchangeable with any game client that can process them.

The Raindrops Protocol lives on top of the Metaplex Protocol on Solana, further decorating existing NFTs with new metadata about whether they are a Player, an Item, or both! All contracts within the Protocol are designed to be composed with other Solana contracts enforcing game-specific rules.

Each contract was built to work together to form a complete protocol that satisfies the needs of blockchain-based games.

For the same reason as to why the raindrops protocol was built, to unite all of web3 gaming, the $RAIN token was created for a similar purpose. Rather than the future of gaming having a different token for every game. The $RAIN token can be used across gaming. The $RAIN token combined with the raindrops protocol provides for a truly decentralized web3 gaming ecosystem where both the game economies and artifacts within those games can be used interchangeably across any game.

The utility of the $RAIN token is that it reduces friction for an individual gamer to play different games. When creating games, the $RAIN token eliminates the complex and very expensive process of registering a token and providing liquidity for a game’s economy. $RAIN gives any game immediate liquidity and the legal assurances necessary to support their game economy. Via the $RAIN token the principle of “a rising tide lifts all boats” is possible for gaming. The success of one game, helps all games within the raindrops ecosystem.

What is Raindrops Protocol?

How is Raindrops Protocol secured?

How will Raindrops Protocol be used?

What key events have there been for Raindrops Protocol?

Who are the founders of Raindrops Protocol?