Mirai price

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Total supply
Max. supply
696.62B MIRAI
Self-reported circulating supply
409.56B MIRAI
Self-Reported Tags
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About Mirai

Mirai Labs is The Eco Cool Company.

We believe in changing the approach to Sustainability and challenging the status quo of the Sustainable Market and the Green Economy.

The core mission is to bring the power of DeFi, NFTs, GameFi and UX to the next generation of sustainable consumers, investors, entrepreneurs and brands. We help our partners accelerate the adoption of sustainable products and ride the new wave of sustainability. The long-term vision is to become the leading ecosystem to design a 3.0 sustainable future with the strongest community and economic incentives.

Mirai Labs is actively doing, incubating and supporting an ecosystem of cool eCommerce & economic experiments that can help accelerate the creation of, and transition to, a sustainable world 3.0!

The first ones are:

1) savethefuture.finance: Save The Future is a crypto ecommerce accelerator for sustainable brands. It's a new way to shop sustainable products and earn by acting green, built for the Web 3.0! It's powered by SaveFuture Protocol and operated by Mirai Labs. Think about a green eCommerce platform that combines the best of PancakeSwap & Opensea. On Save The Future, any user can become a green DeFi dropshipper and earn staking rewards from real-world eco-friendly products.

2) savefuturecoin.com: SaveFuture is the eco-crypto protocol with proprietary tokens and NFTs programmed to: a) automatically remunerate users based on prolonged participation as members of the protocol itself on the blockchain; b) finance recognized charity activities in support of the environment; c) directly finance eco-sustainable brands; and d) automatically incentivize the purchase of eco-products via smart contracts and build community engagement through gamification and rewards.

3) ofala.net: Ofala is the green stable token protocol for the eCommerce world, that plant trees.

So what is Mirai (MIRAI)? Mirai ($MIRAI) is the first utility token of SaveFuture protocol, powered by Mirai Labs. Hyper-deflationary, $MIRAI allows users to compete for prizes, farm Green NFTs and become DeFi dropshippers to earn staking rewards from eco-friendly products, inside the savethefuture.finance eCommerce platform.