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เกี่ยวกับ MojitoSwap
What Is MojitoSwap?
Mojito Finance is a decentralized exchange running on KCC, with lots of features that let you earn and win tokens. It is fast, cheap and easily accessible as it is not difficult to use. It has currently opened Trade ,Bar (Farm) and Wine Pools. Other functions are on the way. And it will continue to launch interesting functions such as Cocktail Tickets and NFT in the future.
What is MJT?
MJT (MojitoToken) is the native token of MojitoSwap, with a total circulation of 100,000,000. MJT is a practical and governance token with rich application scenarios. Holding MJT can not only allow investors to participate in liquidity mining and borrow money to obtain rewards, but also make them owning the governance rights of the future Mojito DAO organization.
MJT (MojitoToken) is a platform governance token issued by MojitoSwap based on the KRC20 protocol. Users who hold MJT can participate in various activities provided by MojitoSwap, such as liquidity mining, lending, etc. They also have the governance rights of the future Mojito DAO organization.
MJT's economic model
The maximum supply of MJT is 100,000,000, and no more new token will be issued. We will conduct two airdrops consecutively, which airdrops will account for 1% of the total supply. Except for marketing, Labs, and a small portion for the team (unlocked in 4 years), 75%, which is 75,000,000 MJT in total, will all be used for liquidity mining.
MojitoSwap include:
Trade The exchange is an automated market maker (AMM) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the KCC. This is carried out to users' satisfaction effortlessly by Mojito Finance.
Earn On top of that, there are various ways to earn with MJTwhich are: 1. Earning $MJT with Bar(farms). 2. Earning $MJT with Wine Pools(Staking). 2. Earning $MJT with Swap.
NFT The Mojito Finance NFT allows MJT holders to win more fun collections when played.
Where Can I Buy MJT?
Mojito Finance is a decentralized exchange running on KCC,You can buy MJT and other MojitoSwap
Token Token Name: Mojito Token Token: $MJT Contract: 0x2cA48b4eeA5A731c2B54e7C3944DBDB87c0CFB6F
Why KCC? In very simple terms, why would we want to drive a slow car that costs more to run? We are all about gamification, so we want to maximize the feedback loop of earning, staking, and earning again; all these and more can be achieved by KCC’s superior speed and lower transaction fees. Honestly, while KCC might not have Ethereum’s currently level of adoption, in the foreseeable future KCC is growing to bridge the gap in many ways.
# | สกุลเงิน | คู่ซื้อขาย | Price USD | 1h เปลี่ยนแปลง | 24h เปลี่ยนแปลง | 24h Txns | 24h ปริมาณ | สภาพคล่อง | FDV |
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