CQT to ZAR: Live Covalent to South African Rand Rate

The CQT to ZAR conversion rate today is R 3.7229. This is a decrease of NaN% in the last hour and a decrease of 2.57% in the last 24 hours. The recent price direction of Covalent is a decrease because CQT is down by 25.37% against ZAR in the last 30 days. Our converter updates in real time, giving you accurate price data every time you use it to make a conversion.

Covalent to South African Rand FAQs

What is the price of 1 Covalent (CQT) in South African Rand (ZAR)?

The price of 1 Covalent (CQT) in South African Rand (ZAR) is currently about R3.72.

How much Covalent (CQT) can I buy for R1?

Currently, R1 can buy about 0.2686 Covalent (CQT).

What is the highest price of CQT/ZAR in history?

Covalent (CQT) reached the all-time high price of R38.84 ZAR on 8/14/2021.

How much has the value of Covalent (CQT) changed against the South African Rand (ZAR)?

In the past month, the value of Covalent (CQT) has decreased by -25.4% against the South African Rand (ZAR).

Covalent to ZAR Chart

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CQT to ZAR Converter




South African Rand

CQT to ZAR Conversion Rates

CurrenciesCurrent Price
CQT ZARR 3.7229
CQT AUD$0.3047
CQT CAD$0.275
CQT CHFFr 0.182
CQT EUR€0.1867
CQT GBP£0.1603
CQT PHP₱11.48
CQT BTC0.000003148 BTC
CQT ETH0.00006398 ETH
CQT BNB0.0003395 BNB
CQT NZD$0.3346
CQT SGDS$0.2713
CQT INR₹16.77

CQT to ZAR Rate History

The CQT to ZAR rate moved - R 0.09828 by 2.57% in the last 24 hours, which can be seen in the chart below.
Date1 CQT to ZAR24h
May 04, 2024R 68.19


May 03, 2024R 68.39


May 02, 2024R 66.35


May 01, 2024R 66.37


Apr 30, 2024R 66.86


Apr 29, 2024R 62.57


Apr 28, 2024R 58.74


CQT / ZAR Conversion Tables

The real-time conversion rate of Covalent () to ZAR is R3.72 for every 1 . The table below shows the live rate to convert different amounts, such as 5 CQT into ZAR.


AmountToday at 07:54:28 pm
0.5 CQTR 1.86
1 CQTR 3.72
5 CQTR 18.61
10 CQTR 37.23
50 CQTR 186.14
100 CQTR 372.29
500 CQTR 1,861.44
1000 CQTR 3,722.89


AmountToday at 07:54:28 pm
0.5 ZAR$ 0.1343
1 ZAR$ 0.2686
5 ZAR$ 1.34
10 ZAR$ 2.69
50 ZAR$ 13.43
100 ZAR$ 26.86
500 ZAR$ 134.30
1000 ZAR$ 268.61