Ongoing ICOs
CoinMarketCap’s list of currently ongoing initial coin offerings will show you which projects are currently looking to raise funds.
Initial coin offerings, also called ICOs or token sales, are a relatively new way to raise money through the blockchain. The term "initial coin offering" is an event that usually extends over a period of one week to one month, but could go for longer. Its purpose is to gather funds (in the form of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum) from investors so as to finance a new businesses and/or projects. It's closely related with crowdfunding, and while not entirely different, there are also many differences between them.
While in an initial public offering (IPO) investors buy shares of a company, in an ICO event, they purchase a certain amount of tokens of a particular project that will be released for use in the system on a later date. ICOs are generally used by start-ups as a way to raise capital for their operations. When you invest in a token sale, it's often with the hope that the value will increase through their release into the market.
In the world of cryptocurrency, a white paper is similar to a business plan in terms of it being a roadmap to future development. By presenting their work in this way, developers can also ensure the transparency of their project while getting valuable feedback from potential investors.
Don’t forget to do your own research before investing in ICOs.
Take a look at CoinMarketCap’s page for upcoming ICOs, as well as CMC’s ICO calendar.