Founded in April 2021, BIKA is a global digital asset, spot, and derivatives trading platform that provides a user-centric and open ecosystem with its operational headquarters in USA. Built on user-centric values with licenses of MSB, we endeavor to provide a professional, smart, intuitive and innovative trading experience for all clients around the world. Created to enrich the entire cryptocurrency industry, and committed to creating a safe, fair, transparent, reliable and user-friendly trading environment, and offer 24/7 multi-language customer support to provide assistance in a timely manner. The founding team is composed of senior financial technology professionals from New York, Singapore ,and Europe. The core members of BIKA are from Fortune Global 500 and first-class technology financial enterprises and have been engaged in blockchain applications for many years.
고지사항: 이 페이지에는 제휴 링크가 포함될 수 있습니다. 귀하가 제휴사 링크를 방문하고 이러한 제휴 플랫폼에서 회원 가입 및 거래와 같은 특정 행동을 취하는 경우 CoinMarketCap은 이에 대해 보상받을 수 있습니다. 더 자세한 내용은 제휴 관련 고지에서 확인해 주세요.