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Nomiswap is a decentralized exchange platform with a binary referral system and the lowest platform transaction fees (0.1%). It's a decentralized exchange platform for swapping BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network aiming to support multi chains in the future.

Nomiswap is backed by the widely recognized Nominex centralized exchange. Both these platforms are deeply integrated with each other.

Nominex + Nomiswap ecosystem is CeDeFi type which means that using one platform you get better conditions on another platform.

When you provide liquidity in Nomiswap then you are applied to the corresponding farming level: Starter, Partner, PRO, VIP, Elite or MAX.

The higher level you get - the higher referral rewards you get in both Nominex and Nomiswap, and more trading fees cashback you get on Nominex and Nomiswap trading platforms.

Key features in Nomiswap

Ability to trade with 0% fee - thanks to utilitarian farming/staking where you are applied to receiving trading fees cashback corresponding to your amount put in liquidity pools or launchpools.

Unique Nominex/Nomiswap CeDeFi ecosystem providing you the opportunity to get rewards and benefits just for your using the Nominex centralized or Nomiswap decentralized platforms.

Utilitarian farming and staking - means that you get extra referral rewards, referral program qualifications and special size of trading fees cashback for the amount of value kept in farming pools and launchpools.

Referral rewards from 3 types of activities - you get rewards from paid swap fees, from farmed tokens and from tokens earned via launchpools.

Binary referral program with 2 types of rewards - you get rewards from all activities of your own direct referrals (who started to use the platform via your referral link). And also you earn rewards from all activities of your whole referral team from all people under you in your referral structure on any level below you - it is called unlimited referral levels.



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24h Txns

24h 交易量



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