Jetswap (BSC)
交易量 (24 小時)
NT$10,143.140 BTC
關於Jetswap (BSC)
Founded in 2021, Jetswap is a decentralized Automated Market Maker serving Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Network. As a decentralized exchange, there are no limits or boundaries for the service area of Jetswap. Anybody with a Binance Smart Chain or Polygon Network wallet can use Jetswap to trade up to 30 asset pairs on Binance Smart Chain and 25 asset pairs on Polygon Network against a liquidity pool. Users can deposit liquidity and earn trading fees from trading volume. Additionally, Jetswap users can earn WINGS by depositing LP tokens. WINGS can be used as a liquidity incentive, governance rights, fundraising, lotteries, and NFT purchases.
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無資料 |
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