What's New at CoinMarketCap

March 2024: Expanded data coverage, enhanced app experience

πŸ–ΌοΈ NFT Data Coverage & Price Charts

πŸ”Ή In March we added coverage for 5 new chains to our NFT dataset: BNB Chain, Polygon, ZkSync Eta, Base, and Linea.

πŸ”Ή We're actively working on Avalanche, Blast, Arbitrum, Bitcoin, and Solana, and expect those to be live in April.

πŸ”Ή We improved our price charts for NFT data with better outlier-handling. This means that sales that are significantly off of the average will be shown, but won't wreck the chart axes.

πŸ”Ή The chart height was increased to be more usable.

πŸ“Š NFT Data on CMC App

πŸ”Ή In addition to being able to view NFT data on the web, you can now search for collections and see NFT collection data on the CMC App.

πŸ“ˆ NFT Trending Collections

πŸ”Ή We added NFT trending collections when you open up the search bar on web.

πŸ”Ή We'll be creating a dedicated page for this in the future, as well as adding it to the app. This will help users better discover NFT collections that are getting hype!

πŸ”§ Improved Top Traders

πŸ”Ή In March we started showing you Top Traders at a token level on pair detail pages on our DexChain on-chain data product (click here for an example, and scroll below the trade history).

πŸ”Ή We also improved our detection of MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) bots, making the data you see here more accurate and useful.

πŸ“’ Community Creator Campaign

πŸ”Ή We just launched our campaign page for our inaugural "Community Creator Campaign"!

πŸ”Ή The first campaign will run from April 1 through April 15 and encourage all content creators to participate by posting on CMC Community and engaging with followers.

πŸ”Ή Your engagement can earn you traffic boost packages and special avatar frames!

🌎 Trending By Country

πŸ”Ή We expanded our "Trending coins" product by adding country-level lists for ~40 countries.

πŸ”Ή Check out a few of these here, for example United Kingdom, Russia, France, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia.

πŸ€– CMC Support Bot

πŸ”Ή We integrated an AI chatbot to help with any support inquiries you might have.

πŸ”Ή We're also working on adding this to our API documentation page, where you'll be able to ask it any questions concerning our APIs.