Handelsvolum (24 timer)
kr 9,603,871,769.669,190 BTC
Totale eiendeler
Data om reserver utilgjengeligOm Biton
Biton provides comprehensive trading services to global WEB3 users, including spot and futures markets, financial solutions, blockchain research, and various other blockchain services. With over 5 years of experience in exchange operation and maintenance, the team brings a wealth of expertise. Leveraging these 5 years of successful experience, Biton is set to establish a trustworthy presence in the cryptocurrency industry. The platform holds financial licenses in multiple regions, ensuring its compliance and security.
Biton is rapidly expanding its global business, now serving users in over 100 countries and regions. The exchange continually optimizes its infrastructure and services to meet the evolving needs of the WEB3 community. At its core, Biton’s mission is to provide a secure and efficient trading environment for blockchain assets, aiming to enhance the liquidity of the global crypto asset market. Biton is committed to building a robust blockchain ecosystem and promoting the circulation of global crypto assets
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