₩8,317,634,299,879.6856,077 BTC
총 자산
준비금 데이터 없음Batonex 소개
Founded in 2018, Batonex Global(Formerly Wisebitcoin) is a global cryptocurrency exchange headquartered in Singapore. Wisebitcoin is integrated to the cloud that processes more than $6 billion daily trading volume and has over 12 million customers worldwide which provides the exchange a deep liquidity.
Batonex’s main focus is margin trading and the platform offers leverage as high as 100:1 for contract trading, long and short positions. Spot trading is also available on over 50 cryptocurrencies including major ones.
On the Batonex Exchange customers are able to trade over 100 cryptocurrencies pairs with high speed over 2.3 million tps single trading pairs.
Batonex team is a multicultural team of over 50 specialists, including the advisors from Huobi and Bluehelix Korea.
Batonex also offers trading features such as: > over 30 cryptocurrencies deposits and withdrawals > all withdrawals are automatic > user dashboard and affiliate for pro traders > secure cold wallet storage and 2FA > 24/7 customer support, live chat and sales manager for pro traders > All features are available on Wisbeitcoin’s mobile app for iOS and Android, and on desktop.
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