![Zeddex Exchange](https://s2.coinmarketcap.com/static/img/exchanges/64x64/10331.png)
Zeddex Exchange
Objem obchodovania (24h)
€48,272,361.33507 BTC
Informácie o Zeddex Exchange
What is ZedDex(ZED)?
ZedDex (ZED) is the first NeoBanking Decentralized Hub, providing a platform for trading, earning, and excelling with crypto. It facilitates decentralized trading of digital assets, ensuring security, transparency, and user control for trustless operations. Powered by ZEDXION, a pioneering NeoBanking Blockchain, ZedDex boasts staggering trading volume and holds significant financial reserves.
ZED is the main token of ZedDex, shaping a new era of financial freedom. It serves as the brain of the ZedDex ecosystem, allowing users to trade, buy, sell, farm, send, and stake it. ZED in ZedDex operates similarly to Cake in Pancake Swap, featuring a complex mechanism that adds value through specialized activities within the ecosystem, including Swap, Bridge, Stake, Farm, Liquid, and more.
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