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Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“
For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)
Celkové aktíva
Údaje o rezerve nie sú dostupnéInformácie o VirgoCX
Founded in 2018, VirgoCX is committed to making crypto trading safe, easy, and affordable for Canadians. It is Canada's top regulated cryptocurrency trading platform and is dedicated to streamlining the trading experience and empowering clients with advanced technology, superior liquidity and best-in-class security.
VirgoCX's mission is to provide easy and affordable access for all Canadians to buy and sell cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tether and more. Whether you are new to this world or are experienced, VirgoCX supports you throughout your journey.
# | Mena | Pár | Cena | Hĺbka +2 % | Hĺbka -2 % | Objem | Objem % | Aktualizované |
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