


Volume data is untracked

Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“

For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)

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Informácie o Topone

Topone is incubated by a leading global multinational internet company, specializing in the global trading of crypto assets, with operational centers established worldwide in the USA, Singapore, Taiwan, and Dubai. The company employs over 2,000 people globally and provides 24-hour professional digital asset contract trading services to users around the world.

Topone is equipped with a robust security mechanism and a powerful underlying infrastructure. It operates as a DAO-based platform where all agents have voting rights, collectively deciding the platform's future business directions. This structure maximizes support for agents to expand their markets, making trading itself more enjoyable.

Our team consists of top talents from the international cryptocurrency field, including professionals from social media, gaming, and traditional finance sectors. We are continuously exploring and innovating to provide the highest quality comprehensive digital asset trading experience to global users, with a mission to offer the safest and most efficient services.

Čítaj viac
Spolu: --
Žiadne údaje
Rozdelenie tokenov
Žiadne údaje








Hĺbka +2 %

Hĺbka -2 %


Objem %


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