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Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“
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Informácie o Thorus
Thorus Swap uses the Uniswap v2 fork engine, which is very familiar and friendly to common users. The swap fee is only 0.1%, making Thorus Swap very competitive and attractive to traders. Having only 0.1% swap transaction fees makes Thorus Swap one of the least expensive, if not the cheapest way to swap trade on Avalanche Network. This gives it an important competitive edge in the market. Thorus is a one-stop-shop for all things DeFi. From farming and a dynamically backed stable coin to an innovative Launchpad structure and high yield bonds - there’s something for everyone. With a dynamically scaling Treasury it will allow for the introduction of more professional products in the future.
# | Mena | Pár | Cena | Hĺbka +2 % | Hĺbka -2 % | Objem | Objem % | Aktualizované |
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