


Volume data is untracked

Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“

For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)

Informácie o SoupSwap

About SoupSwap Founded in 2021, SoupSwap is a multi-ecosystem decentralized finance platform built on Binance Smart Chain based in Singapore. SoupSwap is built to eliminate intermediate restrictions and supporting thousands of decentralized applications (Dapp).
SoupSwap provides maximum security and performance to save time and costs optimally; provides decentralized applications chain to maximize profitability and handle multiple transactions; and raises the position of the decentralized financial platform to new heights. SoupSwap is solution for Staking of DeFi Tokens, optimizing asset values through Staking to protect the network, thanks to the Multi-Bonded Proof of Stake (MBPoS) consensus mechanism. Compared to other PoS consensus protocols on the market, MBPoS does not limit a Stake's asset value and other digital assets, thus guaranteeing asset value for millions of users. By pursuing this mission, SoupSwap has encouraged the team to build the most diverse and powerful ecosystem to meet the needs of millions of global users and investors. More information is available at

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