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Informácie o Polkadex

Launched in 2023, Polkadex Orderbook is an order book-based decentralized exchange which combines the advantages of centralized and decentralized exchanges minus the disadvantages of both.

The result is an interoperable, non-custodial DEX with the speed, performance, and trading experience of a CEX. Or, as we like to call it, the CEXier DEX.

While remaining in full control of their funds at all times, traders are able to place limit and market orders in real-time using Polkadex Orderbook's CEX-like UI. Thanks to its integration with Hummingbot, Polkadex Orderbook welcomes traders and market makers who prefer to automate their trading and implement advanced strategies.

Polkadex Orderbook listings are determined by PDEX holders via Polkadex's on-chain governance. Polkadex Orderbook’s 0.1% trading fees are accumulated by the Polkadex network and spent according to Polkadex's community governance.

Polkadex's custom-built interoperability solution, THEA, is a decentralized bridge designed to connect Polkadex Orderbook to networks and tokens within and beyond Polkadot. THEA is run by the 200 validators who are actively securing and settling trades on the Polkadex network, making the bridge as secure as the chain itself.

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