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Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“

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Informácie o MetaTdex

Founded in 2021, MetaTdex is a global cryptocurrency decentralized exchange and wallet provider headquartered in Dubai. MetaTdex has processed more than USD$4.7 billion in transactions and has over 300K customers spanning 20+ countries. MetaTdex supports BSC and HECO multi-chain transactions with an order book matching system. The project is committed to becoming the one-stop solution provider for web 3.0 and also allowing everyone to explore, and create value as well as flourish in the crypto world. Through MetaTdex's instant buy/sell feature, customers are able to trade across 20 cryptos on MetaTdex Exchange (also available through MetaTdex API). Furthermore, MetaTdex offers various features, such as a MetaTdex wallet, trade mining, turbo staking, Dvote, TeFi, etc. MetaTdex’s turbo staking allows customers to earn interest based on their Tdex Token pledge. The interest rate for the MetaTdex turbo staking is between 5.7%~1095%.
All features highlighted above are available on MetaTdex’s mobile app for iOS, Android, as well as on the desktop interface. Since the launch of MetaTdex, there have been zero accidents, and no incidents of theft by hackers have occurred. Also, MetaTdex continues to work on compliance, and the MSB certificate licensed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the Treasury, US.

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