As a second-generation cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, Globe has had time to learn from the missteps of the previous generation Globe has a unique exchange architecture to tackle this - Matching and risk engines run in colocation on high frequency trading hardware - This allows for the entire orderbook to be kept in L3 cache at all times and nanosecond latencies between services yielding faster-than-NASDAQ message processing rates to avoid overloads - Globe also benefits from the huge expense invested into fast connections between major financial data centers like London (LD4) and Tokyo, meaning that Globe can offer superior global lag characteristics and throughput to previous generation exchanges
Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Táto stránka môže obsahovať odkazy pridružených spoločností. Ak navštívite akékoľvek pridružené odkazy a vykonáte určité akcie, ako je registrácia či transakcie s týmito pridruženými platformami, CoinMarketCap môže získať odmenu. Prosím, prečítajte si Vyhlásenie o pridružených spoločnostiach.