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Tento projekt je označený ako „Nesledované zverejnenie“

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Celkové aktíva

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Informácie o Catalyx

Founded in 2018, CatalyX has developed a trading platform customized for the Canadian market, under license from Bittrex—the premier U.S. based blockchain trading platform. With offices in Calgary and Vancouver, CatalyX’s mission is to be Canada’s leading blockchain trading platform for virtual currencies and digital assets, while fostering a new generation of investors seeking to engage and manage their own financial future. A simple, secure, sound exchange that is leading the way with our extensive and growing list of cutting-edge and well-established cryptocurrencies and digital tokens, as well as one of the easiest trading experiences you will find. As a fully regulated Cryptocurrency exchange with FINTRAC, CatalyX has one of the highest standards in security and compliance and is partnered with world-trusted names in Blockchain technologies, risk management and financial solutions to provide their users with a trusted, secure platform.

CatalyX brings great liquidity for the Canadian cryptocurrency investor, by sharing Bittrex’s order book, which taps into US-based markets allowing minimized exposure to Forex exchange volatility and spread. CatalyX customers have access to Prime Trust’s PrimePay Digital Payment Services, and its leading payment processing technology for deposits and withdrawals.

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+2% Depth

-2% Depth


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