BEX Mauritius Block Exchange

BEX Mauritius Block Exchange


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Informácie o BEX Mauritius Block Exchange

BEX Mauritius Block Exchange (“BEX”), with company registration number C187066, is regulated by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) Mauritius, with licence number GB22200392. FSC has granted its first ever Securities Trading Systems License under the Mauritius Securities Act of 2005 to BEX to operate a security token trading platform. BEX Mauritius Block Exchange is the world's first regulated active security token trading platform that provides retail users and corporate issuers from around the world with 24/7 direct access to security token trading without intermediaries. Simple, secure, transparent. BEX offers the tokenization of traditional securities, the listing and the trading of security tokens, available to any holder of a BEX Trading Account.
Čítaj viac
Spolu: --
Žiadne údaje
Rozdelenie tokenov
Žiadne údaje








+2% Depth

-2% Depth


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