AEN Exchange

AEN Exchange


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Informácie o AEN Exchange

AENX, also known as AEN Exchange, is a digital asset trading platform developed by Aenco Limited. The platform was initially launched on 2 January 2020 facilitating cryptocurrency-cryptocurrency transactions.

It currently serves to be a market place for major cryptocurrencies, the AEN Smart Token (AENS), and other strategic partner tokens; Thus supporting the trading, deposits, and withdrawals of select cryptocurrency pairs. The platform also continues to evolve to encompass value added services such as OTC settlement, cryptocurrency news, and social media outlets. It is also in the process of onboarding more cryptocurrency pairs and token projects to its platform.

The exchange is operated by AENX Platform Limited OÜ, a partner in the process of obtaining a Virtual Currency Service Provider license issued by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in Estonia, which once finalized, would enable the platform to broaden its service capabilities including the support for fiat-cryptocurrency transactions in the future should we pursue to do so (license expected by 2Q 2021).

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+2% Depth

-2% Depth


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Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Táto stránka môže obsahovať odkazy pridružených spoločností. Ak navštívite akékoľvek pridružené odkazy a vykonáte určité akcie, ako je registrácia či transakcie s týmito pridruženými platformami, CoinMarketCap môže získať odmenu. Prosím, prečítajte si Vyhlásenie o pridružených spoločnostiach.