

Dex Handelsvolum (24 timer)

kr 305.41


Om WingSwap

WingSwap is the first DeFi platform that provides both AMM and integrated NFT Farming on Fantom blockchain network. We provide automated, blazing fast and all-round solution for the DeFi industry.

What is WingSwap?

WingSwap is a dedicated Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and a staking platform where users can provide liquidity to the DEX, trade different types of assets in a decentralized way and get rewarded for doing so. The platform is created without the flaws of existing approaches, enabling proper money markets to function, and creating a safe positive-yield approach to the liquidity provided by platform members.

WingSwap aims to provide a comprehensive decentralized financial service – DEX (Swap), Staking and Liquidity pool using WingSwap token (WIS), the native token of the ecosystem in a decentralized, safe, environmentally friendly way with low transaction fee.

Apart from this, the platform is created with multiple unique features such as DEX Smart Trading, NFT Integration and DAO Governance. With these features, WingSwap is set to change the narrative of the industry and redefine the DeFi experience of users.

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