CafeSwap Finance

CafeSwap Finance


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Om CafeSwap Finance

CafeSwap is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. CafeSwap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model where users trade against a liquidity pool. Such pools are filled with users’ funds. They deposit them into the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use those tokens to reclaim their share, plus a portion of the trading fees. The LP tokens are called Cafe-LP tokens. CafeSwap also allows users to farm additional tokens – BREW and Partner Tokens. On the farm, users can deposit Cafe-LP tokens, locking them up in a process that rewards users with BREW. Users can stake BREW tokens to receive Partner Tokens, which will have further functionality as governance tokens, lottery in auto compounding vaults, and NFT Staking.

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