Centric Swap hinta 


1.77% (1 pv)

Centric Swap - EUR -kaavio

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Centric Swap tilastot


Volyymi (24h)


Volyymi/markkina-arvo (24h)
Kiertävä tarjonta
99,199,055,800 CNS
99,199,055,800 CNS
Täysin laimennettu (FD) markkina-arvo
CNS - EUR muunnin
Kaikkien aikojen korkein
Aug 03, 2020 (4 years ago)
Kaikkien aikojen alhaisin
Sep 14, 2023 (7 months ago)
Katso historiatiedot
583rd / 9.8K
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Centric Swap uutiset


Tietoa Centric Swap

What Is Centric Swap (CNS)?

Centric Swap (CNS) was first conceived in December 2017. CNS is a Binance Smart Chain-based token that serves as the Centric Network’s on- and off-ramp. Centric Network itself is a dual-cryptocurrency payment network.

CNS can be traded freely on cryptocurrency exchanges and offers users access to Centric Rise (CNR) along with liquidity. A decentralized protocol governs the exchange between these tokens and self-regulates the supply to meet the changes in demand.

The vision of Centric is to alleviate what they see as the largest obstacle to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, which is price volatility. The Centric Foundation was established to advance the adoption of Centric Rise (CNR) and Centric Swap(CNS).

Centric has a dual-token model that rewards adoption and stabilizes over time due to its self-regulating supply. The idea behind the model is that, when a user purchases Centric Swap from a trusted cryptocurrency exchange, they can convert it to Centric Rise and benefit from its hourly growth.

This leads to the fact that at every moment when the Centric Rise is worth slightly more than Centric Swap, the user can convert CNR back to CNS and reap the rewards. This dual token system creates the conditions for a synthetic stable currency and can regulate the supply of Centric Rise to drive the market price of Centric Swap towards $1.

What Makes Centric Swap Unique?

How Many Centric Swap (CNS) Coins Are There in Circulation?

How Is the Centric Swap Network Secured?

Where Can You Buy Centric Swap (CNS)?

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