Objem obchodování (24 hodin)
Kč105,178,123,229.2344,142 BTC
Celková aktiva
Kč2,045,343,386.28O Toobit
What Is Toobit?
Toobit is a cryptocurrency centralized exchange (CEX) based in Cayman and licensed under FinCEN. It supports spot trading, derivatives, and copy trading etc.
Toobit's team is distributed across different regions of the world, including Russia, South Korea and Turkey. Committed to providing a secure, efficient, and diverse trading experience for investors, Toobit offers a range of products and services to meet the needs of different types of traders.
The platform supports multiple popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other high quality tokens. Furthermore, Toobit's plans to launch OTC trading, which will make it easier for users to conduct large-scale transactions. To ensure seamless integration with the platform, Toobit provides API services, enabling users to automate their trading with their own software.
When Did Toobit Launch?
Toobit was launched in October 2022.
Where Is Toobit Located?
Registered in Cayman, Toobit operates in a decentralized manner.
Toobit Restricted Countries
Toobit provides services to customers in over 100 countries, except for countries with service restrictions such as Iraq, Congo, and Mainland China etc.
What Coins Are Supported on Toobit?
Toobit has over 100 crypto tokens listed, including major coins like BTC, ETH, SOL, MATIC, APE, LTC, DOGE, AVAX, DOT, SHIB and more.
How Much Are Toobit Fees?
Toobit charges a tiered fee structure based on a maker-taker model. Tier levels include non-VIP, VIP 1, VIP 2, VIP 3, VIP 4, VIP 5, VIP 6. Fees are based on their 30-day trading volumes.
Is It Possible To Use Leverage or Margin Trading on Toobit?
Toobit offers futures trading with leverage up to 150X. Available products include BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, LPT/USDT, XRP/USDT, and more perpetual contracts.
Token | Zůstatek | Cena | Hodnota |
BTC | 157.37 | 2382732,54 Kč | 374970620,41 Kč |
BTC | 100 | 2382732,54 Kč | 238273254,38 Kč |
BTC | 100 | 2382732,54 Kč | 238273254,38 Kč |
BTC | 96.02 | 2382732,54 Kč | 228789978,85 Kč |
BTC | 90.1 | 2382732,54 Kč | 214684202,19 Kč |
BTC | 89.05 | 2382732,54 Kč | 212182333,02 Kč |
BTC | 65 | 2382732,54 Kč | 154877615,35 Kč |
BTC | 55.19 | 2382732,54 Kč | 131503009,09 Kč |
BTC | 52.17 | 2382732,54 Kč | 124307156,81 Kč |
BTC | 50 | 2382732,54 Kč | 119136627,19 Kč |
Zobrazují se pouze peněženky se zůstatkem > 500 000 USD
* Zůstatky z těchto peněženek mohou být zpožděny
Přidělení tokenů
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